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Eva  Fairwald

Check out my blog for snippets and news!


My name is Eva, “Fairwald” is my pen name, composed uniting the English adjective “fair” and the German noun “Wald” (forest/wood) to create a meaningful mix of some of the things I love: fairness (plus, I’m blonde, so fair haired…), nature, the English and the German language.


I am a world traveler with a Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages; I studied in Italy (my native country) and Germany and worked abroad enjoying Turkey, Dubai, the Caribbean and other places, but falling in love with the Fjords… which was no surprise really. Scandinavia, Vikings, Runes and ancient spells stole my heart when I was a child and they still keep it for me in some hidden stronghold, halfway to the Valhalla. I also speak Swedish and Spanish and French, currently learning some Dutch and who knows what’s next.


“I am going on an adventure!” is the easiest way to define my point of view on things. I couldn’t live without traveling and I seek action in everything I do, even if it’s only jogging… I might be pursued by enemies, this definitely improves speed and endurance.


My head is a very crowded place, that’s why you get to know some of the people that really needed to get the hell out of there!


"Trusting Darkness", is my first novel written in English. Be prepared to live in a new world: dark elves, war and deception are headed your way!

"Le ombre di Dora" (“Dora’s shadows”) is my YA saga, it's written in Italian and already available on - website (in Italian):


Feel free to get in touch with me anytime:

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